Linda Malcolm

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Chemo Camouflage

I was officially diagnosed with breast cancer in early July; however, on June 16th, the radiologist’s blank eyes and words, “I think you need to have a biopsy” confirmed it then and there for me. I didn’t know what was down the road, but I made immediate changes knowing chemo was a real possibility because I really did have cancer.

While chemo creates a definite unnatural look for patients, I focused on pieces of my face that I could maintain unchanged as me: most importantly as Mom to Will and Liam, and as Linda to Bill.

I stopped wearing eye makeup. My chemo meds make eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as all other hair, fall out. I went all natural with my eyes early. I bought glasses that framed my eyes. As usual only one of the most expensive designer frames would work for my exper-ee-ment. But I love them.

Since my hair has gradually gotten shorter and shorter (today I write this with a GI Jane cut – which is actually pretty cool…), I have visible ears again. I have re-visited my old earrings, the danglier the better. And I’ve pumped up the inventory with a few Lia Sophia items. (Thanks Debbie for the rush Lia Sophia order!!)

My smile. I try to keep it a little colorful, not bright, bright stuff (yet!) but just some nice earthy gloss. (Thanks Tammy for my Mary Kay delivery!)

So that’s my chemo camouflage, trying to establish a part of my face that will hold up through chemo. When the rest of me looks ill, as it undoubtedly will, perhaps my chemo camouflage triangle will maintain and preserve my eyes, my ears, and my smile. I’m sure my boys will let me know how it’s working!

